Automation’s Impact on Employment Is “Large and Robust”

A recent study from the National Bureau of Economic Research provides data for what many people have been saying for a long time. According to the research, hundreds of thousands of American jobs have disappeared specifically because of industrial automation. Automation’s impact on American employment is distinct from offshoring and importing The number of manufacturing… Read more »

What Light Bulbs Can Teach You About Your Indramat Equipment

What do light bulbs and Indramat equipment have in common? This isn’t the the start to a bad joke that only Indramat repair specialists will find funny. Like light bulbs, Indramat components can burn out too quickly if you’re not using the right one. Your average incandescent light bulb provides you with roughly 1,200 hours… Read more »

Is There a Tipping Point for AI?

Artificial intelligence took automation to a new level. There are numerous benefits of automation, and AI allows us to further improve upon those benefits. So far, the more sophisticated the artificial intelligence, the greater the benefits. Is there a tipping point when AI starts doing humankind more harm than good? Artificial intelligence improves automation Take… Read more »

Industrial Robot Sales Reach All-Time High in North America

According to a recent report from the Robotic Industries Association industrial robot sales reached an all-time high in 2016. This isn’t a surprise to anyone who works with industrial robots. Hearing that the world uses more industrial robots than ever before is almost like hearing that the sun rose again this morning. That is to… Read more »

Is It Time to Upgrade My Motion Control System?

It’s not always easy knowing when it’s time to upgrade your industrial motion control system. You don’t want to upgrade prematurely, after all. Replacing factory machinery is expensive, and replacing those machines before it’s necessary wastes money, time, and resources. Of course, sticking with an old system that’s holding you back is wasteful as well…. Read more »

Indramat Legacy Drives

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Legacy Indramat drives may sound like a regal and lavish thing, but they’re really kind of annoying. Not the drives themselves, mind you. Indramat made some of the greatest servo drives and motion control products the world has ever seen. It’s the fact that those drives are now legacy drives that causes the annoyance. Legacy… Read more »

The Future of Robotic Arms

Industrial robots play a vital role in manufacturing. They’re powerful, precise, efficient, and they can handle heavy workloads with minimal downtime. Despite their importance to industry factory robots have room for improvement, though. These robots are typically large, immobile, expensive, and too dangerous to deploy in the vicinity of human workers. Researchers in the robotics… Read more »

Should Robots Pay Taxes?

If you work in the United States you have to pay taxes. While most people dislike paying taxes, it is important to do so. Taxes go towards retirement benefits, food and nutritional assistance, government programs, and a number of other things that benefit society. Without income taxes, it would be difficult for governments to pay… Read more »

What’s the Biggest Threat to Manufacturing Jobs?

The outlook on the future of U.S. manufacturing employment is different depending on who you ask. Some say that manufacturing jobs are less common now due to various trade deals and outsourcing, and the U.S. will see a rise in manufacturing employment if the right decisions are made. Others maintain that regardless of why those… Read more »

How Many Humans Does It Take To Run a Supermarket?

You may have noticed an increasing number of self-checkout kiosks at your local grocery store over the past few years. When self-checkouts first found their way into stores they were novel and interesting. They were fun and exciting and people opted for the self-checkout just for the experience. Now, regardless of whether you use the… Read more »