There are plenty of third party sellers online claiming to have an abundant supply of Indramat factory replacement units. They seem to have a permanent stock for each and every Indramat product ever made; this includes the hundreds of drive and motor variations. You can even choose your servo in any color you like; they will throw in a free air freshener, too.
These boisterous claims sound great. You can get any Indramat replacement unit you need whenever you need it? There’s a big problem with these big claims, however. Supposing that they actually have as many units as they claim — which is unlikely — how do you know that those replacement units are reliable?
Indramat never provided factory replacement parts to third parties
When you see claims about endless supplies of Indramat replacement units — or worse Indramat factory replacement parts — take a second to consider the facts.
- Indramat products haven’t been manufactured in over two decades; there is a finite supply.
- Indramat never provided third parties with factory replacement units or factory replacement parts; they never authorized third party replacement centers, either.
- Indramat systems rely on accuracy and precision, and close enough isn’t close enough. You need an original factory part in order to ensure that your system works properly; i.e. you need an Indramat factory replacement unit.
Cutting corners leads to extra costs
Paying a cheap price for a replacement Indramat unit may seem like a good idea, but the attempt to save some time and money can backfire. If you replace your motion control products with anything other than an Indramat factory replacement unit, you are setting yourself up for additional cost and downtime.
We have the largest stock of factory refurbished exchange units in the United States. This means that all of our units have come directly from the factory, and we have more of them than anyone else in the country. No absurd claims here — just facts. We didn’t cobble something together in a garage using generic equivalent parts; we have the actual factory replacement unit that you need, and it meets the original manufacturer specifications.
If we don’t have the part that you need, we can arrange a factory repair or Indramat REMAN.
If you’re in need of Indramat factory repair, REMAN, or replacement units, contact us online or call 479-422-0390. We also offer phone support and can troubleshoot most Indramat error codes remotely.