Robot Faces

With industrial robots, we tend to focus on their arms. Service robots? We think about their mobility, so the focus is likely to be on their wheels or legs. But researchers are beginning to pay more attention to robot faces. What do robot faces look like? Often, robots that have faces look a lot like… Read more »

Robot Astronauts?

Robots have taken on plenty of jobs that humans can also do, and robots have certainly gone to space. So should robots take on the jobs of astronauts? Britain’s Astronomer Royal thinks so. “I’m sceptical about the idea of a human space flight being worthwhile,” he said on a government podcast. Martin Rees, the current… Read more »

Robot Interactions…with Fish


Much research has been done on how humans interact with robots. We’ve seen humans attack robots, grow fond of them and dress them up, and worry about upsetting them. We’ve also seen robot dogs interact with live dogs, and they seem to react to them much as they would to a live dog, at least… Read more »

How to Cancel an Error Code

What a day! You’ve had an error code on your Indramat component, reached for your trusty Indramat Manual, and figured out how to correct the problem. In fact, you have actually corrected the problem! Unfortunately, fixing the problem has not caused your machinery to leap back into life and end the downtime at your facility…. Read more »

China’s Supply and Demand Issues

China has the highest manufacturing output in the world, and has done for at least a decade. That hasn’t stopped them from increasing output. In fact, Chinese manufacturers pumped out a 7% increase in supply so far this year. U.S. production, in contrast, is down by 7% since 2007. According to the Washington Post, China… Read more »

Robot Masseurs

robot masseurs

Robots are taking over plenty of human jobs, with varying results. In some cases, they’re becoming commonplace because they do as good a job as humans without those pesky demands for money, coffee breaks, and benefits. In others, they are still years away from the marketplace because they just aren’t that good at the job…. Read more »

Weighing Options for Indramat Servo Repair

Nobody wants to see Indramat fault codes or the system shutdowns that ensue. While it’s easy to start swearing, sobbing, or breaking things in frustration, all you can do is keep your head up and fix the problem as quickly as possible. You have three main options when it comes to Indramat servo repair. Here’s… Read more »

Understanding Your Indramat Manuals

Your Indramat manuals are important. They tell you how to properly use your machinery, and they can help you troubleshoot and resolve your Indramat error codes quickly. We recommend that you keep all of the necessary Indramat manuals on hand for quick reference. We’re happy to provide our customers with replacement guides and manuals for… Read more »

Robot Snails


Biomimicry is very important in robotics, where robots have been inspired by fleas, pangolins, octopi, and more. The latest on our radar is the snail. It walks! It glides! It excretes mucus! A new remote-controlled robot has an inflatable single foot that moves the way a real snail’s foot does, activating different areas of the… Read more »

Where Does Recycling Innovation Come From?

Recycling is not a new idea, but there is a new recycling machine in town. A French company, Cetia, has developed a machine which can automatically separate shoes’ soles from their uppers, identify the fiber content of fabrics automatically, and automatically sort out zippers, buttons, and other notions and remove them from the recycling stream…. Read more »